Invisible Sound
This project involved creating a Markerless Augmented Reality (AR) experience that is situated in and conceptually responds to the Llewellyn Hall, the School of Music at the Australian National University. It should consider an element of the architecture, culture, or routines of the building, and create AR an experience that expands on the physical site through a digital intervention.
A major component of Llewellyn Hall is the acoustics and the audio systems installed in its refurbishment. Nearly 15 cubic metres of European Beech needed to be profiled for the acoustic fins on the walls. Thus, my project was based on these acoustic fins to demonstrate how the building was architecturally designed to target sound absorption. Listening to music is a highly immersive experience which I wanted to replicate within this project through visualising soundwaves that we cannot see. The featured audio was recorded from a classroom within Llewellyn Hall.
Applications used: Unity
Invisible Sound
To view the research behind this project, please see the link below:
Augmented Reality Research Documentation
This project was submitted to the 2023 Swayn Student Competition